Indeed Apply VS Apply On Company Site


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If you've been looking at indeed from a job seeker perspective, or maybe picking on your competitors. You may have seen that there's a few different differences in people's postings and kind of curious about what they mean. Typically the two different types of apply features that indeed has, well, one of them is not public and you typically don't have access to it.

But if you stay tuned in this video, I'm going to dive into

the pros, cons what these are and how you can get access to a not-so public feature. If we have a Matt, Hey, I'm crystal from crystal, I'm a hiring expert and we manage over 1 million in hiring ads for small business owners on indeed. So when it comes to the platform and all the best tricks, we have the insider sneak peek at all the advanced features and how to just get the best results.

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All right. So let's start with what these features look like from an applicant's perspective.

So indeed apply is a native feature that keeps the applicant experience inside of the platform at all times. So it looks similar to this. They're gonna see the posting right here. They're gonna see an apply option. Now there's two different ways. There's. If I already have my indeed resume set up on indeed kind of apply method.

And then if I don't have that kind of setup, it's gonna ask me to kind of confirm some information. So if they have that information on file, they could click apply and literally two seconds. Not have to do anything else typically for your company. And it gets sent off to the employer or the company.

Now, if the company has some questions and deal breaker set up, then that's the time when they would go through those. deal breakers, Answer those questions. And if they pass or not, they're still getting sent over to the company and the company will know if they're qualified or not qualified depending on the settings that you have.

Now I'm gonna go ahead and click on apply just for this example.

Let's go ahead and click. Questions from the employer. So these are all the questions that they would be asked and the opportunity to apply. So if you have these questions set up, then you can go ahead and have somewhat of a native application into the system. If you do use something like this and you have a good chunk of questions in here, I would not make them have to fill out another application once they get through to the end of this process. So I really pick or choose which ones that you wanna keep.

So I do like how, as they're applying through this, they do get to see the job description right here. In the process and just kind of be reminded they do have a dropdown, so it is kind of hidden. So if there's any important highlights, if you're using this feature, I would make sure that it stays above this section right here.

You just go ahead and fill in the details. And click continue.

So this is just gonna review their information and click submit.

So job feed emails. So it makes it really easy for them to also get additional jobs being shown to them. So just keep in mind, you know, there's some perks of having the native apply feature, but. There's also. Some downfalls and we'll go over that in just a second, but I want to kind of start with an overview, of what it looks like.

So we're gonna submit the application.

All right. So let's go through what it looks like for applying on the company site. So it looks similar to this. They're gonna go ahead and click a platinum company site they're going straight to the specific. Area where your application is being held.

So now they can go ahead again. Anything that you have on here, they can kind of take a look at. A little bit about the job and they can go ahead and apply. So you do wanna keep in mind the speed of which it's taking them to load each page because it's very similar to sales. You wanna make sure that it is fast loading. And they have that information just to kind of keep going. You don't want it to be complicated. I personally don't recommend having them to log in with anything specific, just something simple to fill out and give you all the necessary. Criteria to know if they're gonna be a good hire and or they, they even make it to the next step. So I'm not gonna go ahead and and finish applying through the site, but you get the process of the two different ones that we had, and it looks a little bit differently on the employer side. So let's kind of go over some of the pros and cons and take a step back.

So I hope that gave you a little insight of, to both of the apply methods. Now let's go over some of the pros and cons. We touched on a few things into the demo, but we didn't really touch on all of them. So let's just kind of go over them real quick. So the indeed apply feature. It has its pros and cons. So again, it's a native feature. It keeps them in the platform and their goal is to get them to apply on multiple different company sites to apply with multiple different people.

You know, that does help the applicant get more chances of plate landing a job. So it is in favor of, of them as well. But it's also charging us for every single time that they're submitting an application.

Is around. 10 to $25.

So it could be pretty expensive, especially if they're just applying on a whole bunch of different sites and is making it a pretty easy process.

The indeed apply can be a great feature if you're just looking to really have one new hire and you're not looking to have like one new hire consistently every single month. Also indicating you don't have high turnover and you don't lose your one worker, because again, it takes you right back to the drawing board of continuing of this process.

So if you're using the apply on indeed. Once they submitted yours again, they're asking if they want updates for different jobs, constantly sending them those emails. In addition to every time they log in to reply to your message, they're constantly being shown different job opportunities, which starts to make it a lot harder.

So if you're just a solar preneur and you want to have one additional worker, the indeed apply method would probably be a good start for you just because you don't need all the systems. I've seen a, both of them. And I just know from experience that the indeed apply costs more money takes you tremendously more time.

Highly ineffective and just not going to get you the long-term results that you need. Now, let's talk a little bit about the apply on company site method. This method is personally my favorite because.

We already talked a little bit about the price for applying on indeed applying on indeed again, ranges from $10 to $25 per application. If you have that application method. But if you have the apply on company site, you could be paying around 17 cents per applicant. Who's clicking onto your job post.

Since the apply on company site can't really register how many submitted applications that you received. They do go on typically cost per click.

Now you send me apply on company site option gives you a lot of additional advantages, it's going to give you access to see how many people landed on the application page. How many people that landed on the application page, Ashley submitted an application and you could see what that percentage is. If it's too low, then you could start checking into, okay, well, are there, is it my title?

Is it the page speed? Is it like links that are taking them off of that specific application page somewhere else?

Is it too confusing?

Is it just look spammy? So on and so forth. And then you can go straight from the application to going into the interview process and just making it a lot more automated. You could see how many people were qualified, not qualified, and you could use tools and automation to say, okay, all these people who are not qualified that had this specific deal breaker answer to this specific way, let's go ahead and reinvite them to the interview and it opens up your possibilities because I've seen it time and time and time again to where entrepreneurs have had it too many deal breakers.

That they thought were just going to be the magic solution. And then it just basically denied a lot of people. And. It's really hard to catch these, if you don't have advanced tools and analytics to kind of see that. So I do like the option of having additional tools that can give you those insights.

To some of those stats. Versus keeping it on. Indeed. Imply. You don't really have access to retargeting. Some of these people, you literally have to go into this person. And check on, see what it is and see if you want to do that and send them a text message and wait for them to reply, versus just it being a lot more automated. So definitely lots of perks with the apply on company site and definitely recommend that one.

Now, hopefully that did give you some insight just to some of the pros cons.

So, if you want to learn how to get our indeed strategy, and get that apply on company site feature. I'm going to go ahead and link it down below so you can go ahead and check that out. I'm also going to go ahead and link art talent attraction formula down below, because there's a lot of things that come into play. With getting the right candidate. So definitely check those out into the description down below.

Now, if you want more applicants, one thing that you could work on is getting your click through rate higher. How do you do that? Well, all you need to do is work on your job post titles. So check out this video right here we have for you. So you could dive into that right after this.

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Hey there, I'm Krystal!

As a Recruiter and an exceptional Hiring Expert, my passion lies in guiding entrepreneurs on the art of attracting, hiring, and onboarding talented individuals. By enabling them to cultivate their dream team, I empower entrepreneurs to foster business growth while achieving a life of delegation and mental freedom.


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